Our Journey

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The adventure began in 2016 when one of Jim’s co-worker’s wives showed Connie a picture of a cute sheep, we should raise…and the hunt was on, thanks Shanna!!! With the seed planted but still waiting to break ground, life events on the farm in 2021 prompted Jim and Connie to evaluate the direction they were on with the farm’s flock cutting it in half due to a sever drought and skyrocketing hay prices. Then opportunity knocked! Still in need of a ram for the ewes Jim and Connie got wind of an F2 Valais Blacknose (VBN) ram up for grabs at the Washington State Ram and Ewe Sale. There were some lower percentage ewes as well, but the prize in their eyes was the ram to launch their VBN dream. On that fateful day in July Jim and Connie met the owners of Valais Blacknose Sheep of Washington State and their sheep and fell in love with those curly cuties! With a dollar figure set they took their places in the stands and waited for the ram to hit the ring. When he did the paddles flew until it was Jim and one other and when the budget was exceeded, and Jim’s ribs could handle no more, he let the other bidder claim the prize. BUT there were still the three ewes. On the drive to Moses Lake for the auction the ewes weren’t even a consideration, but when they hit the ring Jim swooped up all three. After the auction was over Jim and Connie had a chance to talk more with Sarah and Linda and from that conversation a great friendship was launched!!! That fall Fresh Cut was able to use Palouse a Valais Blacknose Sheep of Washington State F1 ram for their ewes and also was able to buy a ewe, Sugar Bee 25% VBN, breed by non-other than Hoosier Daddy (100% VBN). The spring of 2022 was exciting having 25% VBN babies on the farm from most of the girls and the Sugar Bee specials of 62%. Unfortunately, Sugar Bee had a pair of boys but were they ever cuttle bugs! From that batch of lambs Fresh Cut kept just two ewes for future breeding. After seeing how great the VBN lambs were Jim decided Connie needed 2 F2 ewe lambs for her birthday and bought them from Sarah and Linda. With those two in the flock and other purchases and use of Mr. February in 2022 and Top Gun Maverick in 2023 Fresh Cut is well onto seeing its Valais Blacknose Sheep dream come true hoping to help others reach their VBN dreams as well!!!